Dreams .

dreaming isn't hard.
in fact, it's suggested fun .
to imagine and create things,
you feel like a mighty one.

your world filled with pleasure.
no worries close , or in sight.
unless you chose to make it so,
it's possible but never fright !

creeps of shadows fill in your thoughts.
little orbs, colors, red and white dots.
your mind is a power, that you use everywhere,
dream and wish your own, i really only dare.

i smile for i am successful, and pleasure is always there,
i frown for no reason, my skin glad it's bare.
but, here i must stay silent and tend to my own thoughts.
cursed with skills and greatness i had never brought.

clouds in dreams appear fluffy, and blurry.
then again, i'm never in a hurry,
i watch i look, i pick up and i'm shook.
until i awake, knowing i'd passed out on a book.

and maybe i'm to stay here. on this planet earth.
or maybe i'm to leave and stay near this wonderful birth.
it seems to be fading, my youthfulness and more.
then again, my life consists of closing and opening doors.

only now will i slow my leap
not a yell, nor a peep.
until next time i must go deep
into my wondrous sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
enjoy, friends.