Here I go.

I love you.

Those words can mean so much, or mean so little.
I don't say them if I don't mean them.
I'm not the type to just throw those words around.

Let me say this to you,
I fucking love you.

Everything about you.
The way you make me feel,
Who you are,
What you do.

I love you.

Your the most amazing thing in my life.
That makes it so much brighter everyday.
You have changed my life more than you'll ever know.

We fit together like a puzzle,
So perfectly it's almost a dream.

I look at you and wonder what I could have done.
To get someone as amazing as you are.
That knows how to treat me,
That knows how to make me smile when I'm so sad.

I love you.

I can't express to you my feelings.
I'm kinda broken that way.
But I'll be damned if I'm not going to try.

You make me have something to look forward to.
To wake up in the morning for.

God you make me feel like I'm on a cloud.
This cloud that I never want to come down from,
Because as long as I have you, everything will be okay.
I won't be broken anymore.

I love you.

Nothing in the world could change that for me,
I need you to know that,
That I don't want anyone but you.

That sweetheart who will fight with me to hold the door open.
The one who gives me that damn goofy smile and I can't help but giggle.

That's the person I'm in love with,
The person I want to spend forever with,
The one I call Baby.
That will never change.

I love you
♠ ♠ ♠
this is for someone very important to me, who doesn't know what he means to me.
Here's me hoping that this explains it a little.