
Shaky hands,
Bouncy legs,
Overload minded,
Heart swelling,
Queasy stomach,
Mental shutdown.
Eye fluttering shut,
Body relaxing.
The feeling of ecstasy,
without the drug.
A feeling worth feeling.
But as I, do others,
feel the drug-less drug,
experience the pain.

Screaming out loud,
and in silent.
Broken spirit.
Dropping stomach,
with any other internal organ.
Overworked body,
tired and dead.
Eyes dull,
lacking luster and shine.
Heart doing more than swelling-
blowing up,
ripping its self inside out,
burning a hole deep inside,
an imaginary sword cutting deep.

Silent, saltine tears,
cascading down
blotchy, red cheeks.
Lip quivering,
with top teeth biting down.
Chest tightening with every breath.
Lungs deciding to give out,
any moment.

Love hurts,
in the most cruelest ways.
And most people suffer.
As I do not,
have not, not yet
suffered from this.
But I have suffered,
the most painful on of all.

♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, this is my first.. Hope its worthy enough to be read :) And commented approved :)
I just made this up in my mind as I went with each line. Hopefully people understand.
Thank you for reading!