Slaves to Love

I’ll be searching for the light until I can no longer breathe
I will fight every urge I have within my heart to grieve
Because my sunlight has spread her wings and gone
Far from the stars we danced upon, toward the new dawn

I’ll be searching for solace in ever broken and shattered moment
For your baptism of my heart was done without the fire of atonement
The thunder crackles within my eyes as I venture to the great beyond
Now that it is all over, no longer can my heart grow utterly fond

Of what I once perceived as a light shrouded in the dark
But ever person is like a tree; their true nature comes when you peel away the bark
And see the true form that resides within their monstrous heart
Forgive me, for finally fools have decided to speak and set themselves apart

From the throng of other broken shells residing upon the middle ground
Singing their silent prayers toward the above to allow them to make a sound
And speak against the anarchy that hath been sown within their lips
For the pain knotted within their stomach punishes them with emotional whips

And creates within every single broken heart the joy of emptiness
Where they thought love was able to reside within, now is nothingness
As they crawl at night, groping the air for a sign of their lover’s return
But every new dawn only brings upon them a newer burn

The burning desire to accept that their chariot of the sun shan’t be theirs
For they foolishly feel for another who they thought would actually care
And ride along the stars like the cycle of the moon and the sun
Together, to every fool who believed they had found the one

Love, in its purest form is nothing more than pain personified
But it cannot be seen as that until the know their love has gone to hide
Within the hands of the once radiant sun they believed was for them
No longer are they the roses to their lover’s budding stem

For they have been cut off by the gardener of life
And left to bleed as they watch the swift cutting of a glistening knife
As it easily cuts into the connection they held with their other
And throws them on the ground, only to see the other connect with another.

The sprawling darkness consumes all who accept its embrace
After all, no longer do they have the power to see their past’s face
For falling foolishly in love persuaded their hands to give all they hold dear
To the only person they once desired at every moment to be near

Only to realize that the other did not contain equal emotions
And decided to release their bond without any previous motions
But then, it had already been much to late
For the victim had already fallen to the loving embrace of fate

And decided that life had no meaning without the love they had
For then every day become a battle not to be unnecessarily sad
As they were, praying for the solace of the above
To late be it, when they realize, they’ve become slaves to love.