
Puffy eyes,
Red faced,
face dug in a pillow,

No one will answer,
parents wont listen,
no one I can talk to,
they wouldn't hear me,
even if they tried.

I wanna go home,
Not where my fucking heart is,
I don't have one,
But a place where,
I can speak without a care,
nothing matters,
and, everyone cares,

This isn't the place,
I wanna stay,
becuase it's not for me,
it's not the place I need to be.

I was home once,
it was amazing,
I didn't care about anything,
I was always happy,
Never a frown in sight,

Now i'm back to reality,
where I cry everyday,
No one gives a damn,
and all you hear is screamin',
and cussin.

Where your bestfriends,
are the only ones to trust,
not parents,
not teachers,
no one.

I wanna go home.

Puffy eyes,
Red faced,
face dug in a pillow,
