Skinny White Boys

Skinny White Boys, Skinny White Boys
Oh how I love you
With your skimpy muscles and pale complexion
WIth your insecure posture and your shy eyes
All i wanna do is hug you
Yes Yes Hug you
Hug you till the end of time
I'll be there when she breaks your heart
I'll be there wishing It could've been my part
I'll be there to hug you
Yes Yes Hug you
Hug you till the end of time

Skinny White Boys, Skinny white boys
I love how you dont know how cute you are
because the cocky ones creep me out
And i love how you handle the pep rallys
highpitching everybody scream and shout

Skinny White Boys, Skinny White Boys
I love how geeky you look when you get a haircut
And I love how you love it too
I love it when you say you like me best
because the feeling it gives wont rest

Oh how I love you
For all I wanna do is hug you
Yes hug you
Hug you til the end of time

Skinny White Boys Skinny White Boys You are mine