Night and Day

Light washes over me like waves dancing upon the grains of sand
Over the ruby mountains the birds cry in awe of G-d’s magnificent land
Throughout cycles of light and darkness the land remains dormant
Like an animal within hibernation the signs of life remain vacant

Crimson tides of light wash over the land to signal the new day
As the murky water of night returns to its nest to finally lay
For the sun to signal its retirement into the shadows in the sky
As the budding seeds hungrily eat the food provided so they cannot die

Hoping that one-day they can grow powerful like their mother
And reach with their hands toward the sky like every other
Trying so desperately to grasp the aurora of the light
Before it retires to the confines of the loving night

Broken blades of grass cry out for solace from their pain
Sighing from joy when the light provides the life-giving rain
As they drink greedily from the aquatic nourishment they so desire
The throats of their life-blood no longer burn from the malevolent fire

Sprouting trees extend from their homes within the ground
Crying out to the past to free them from their cruel mound
Waiting patiently for the waves to wash over their body
Groaning loudly as their desires do not come, as if it has become a commodity

Soon the cycle of night to day repeats itself once more
Beating their drum of the sky as their song to the core
As they give their perpetual gifts so gallantly to the land
Hoping that one day, they too can feel the embrace of a G-d’s hand