Hoping Evil Things For Terrible People

Don't think I don't see you
Don't think I don't know
I see how you're miserable
You see...I'm winning.
She walks with you
You hold her hand
You put on the saddest little show.
I see right through your fake smile and her gleaming eyes.
You're doing it again.
She's going to love you
You won't really care
She'll think you belong together
You'll back away in fear.
I hope she does what I couldn't,
What I never had the heart to do.
You made me weak,
So that I couldn't hurt you.
I hope your routine backfires.
You'll fall for HER
I hope she takes your breath away
And sweeps you off your feet.
I hope she pushes you away
And you won't know what to do...
kind of like you did to me...
I hope she hits you
Like you hit the rest of us
And you'll be left wondering.
I hope she's nice and funny and sexy,
I hope she teases you to insanity
I hope that when you fall,
You fall off a cliff.
I hope she makes you cry
And leaves you for dead.
I hope she leaves you behind
While she happily sprints ahead.
I hope one day you can know how it feels
To believe what someone said.
I hope she crushes your very existence
I want you to feel the pain I felt
When you couldn't possible care less.