Always and Forever

Towards the end I looked at you,
I looked into your eyes,
And all I see is the shell
Of who you once were.
This is not the happiness
That we once had.

Now when I look at you,
When I see your name on my computer screen,
I want to throw it across the room.
I want to scream and cry
And punch you in the face...
If only any of that
Would make my breaking heart whole again.

I wish we wouldn't have started the way we did
I wish we never lied
Never said things that shouldn't be said...
Sometimes I wish I never met you
Because maybe we wouldn't be where we are now,
But every time I hear your voice
It still feels like home

I still feel safe in your arms
I still see your face and swoon
I still look into your eyes and melt...

Sometimes I wish this would never have happened to us...
But I'll never regret that it did.

I'll always remember the way we talked
The night we first met.
I'll always remember how sincere you were,
How innocent you used to seem.
I'll always remember how it felt
To be wrapped up in your arms...
To be laying awake at night,
Looking into each other's eyes.

I'll always remember the months we shared our lives together.
The laughs
The tears
The fights
The nights that we'd just sit and chill...

But above all of these things
The one thing that I will always remember as my life goes on,
Is that I'll never forget you
And I'll love you...
Always and Forever
