What Could Have Been

I'd be lying if I told you I didn't love you anymore, but our time has come and gone,
I have to go now, we both blew it,and I cant take it anymore.
It's true, though, when they say, it's better to hurt then not feel at all.

It proves I do have a heart, beating faster even now,
just thinking about you, just the image in my head,
makes my heart hurt so much.
But it was my decision, to move on, to say good bye,
But somehow I can't find the courage to tell you.

Or is it because I still have, a sliver of hope, coursing through me,
that you might turn around and tell me, that Im the one,
and you were foolish, to ever think about her.
How can I, though, put my heart again, on the line, on a sliver of chance,
that you might decide, that its me. Haven't you hurt me enough, is twice not enough?

What if I don't want to hurt you, if you do decide that I am the one,
And I'm gone, gone with the wind, and all that's left, is our memories.

Will I be called heartless, will you hate me, or wish,
that things could have been different? Or the worse, what if,
this is just my obsession over you. My yearning for you, speaking.
What if you never really liked me, what if it was all just a lie.
A prank, a dare, a girls worst nightmare, to be used.

Was I used, or did I use you, to get out of that horrible place,
haunting me forever. No I don't think so.
I don't think you could, and either can I.

We had our song, do you remember? The one I sent you, to tell you how I felt,
I finally caught you, putting "ily" in the middle of a bunch of random letter.
But I don't think you did. Love me that is. You said you did.
But you couldn't have. Because if you did, then I wouldn't be alone.
If I was worth it. I wouldn't be stuck here, writing about what could have been.
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