Women are Greater

Women are Greater

Women are superior to men in just about every way, except that pound for pound and inch for inch, men are physically stronger. And what do men use that strength for? Creating trouble. Schoolyard fist fights, pissing contests and starting wars at every chance they get. I mean, look at a soccer riot! What the heck is that?-- besides a wholly and typically male enterprise. This nonsense about boys in school acting out and how the teachers should change their ways to accommodate them is absolutely ridiculous! Boys already take up more than their fair share, in attention and resources. Look at football! Or compare the budget for boy's toys and gadgets with what parents buy for girls. Not to mention that male dropouts, if they work at all, make more than women with a junior college degree. Boys need to learn to be more like girls. Quit acting like idiots! It's called self discipline. Some people think that the way to civilize men is to tell them that they're superior and flatter them into chivalry. ''Your so big, strong, and smart. We want you to be responsible leaders for all the poor little weak and silly females. You'll protect and support them''. Like that really works! I mean, show me one society where man makes rules that can create a decent place for women and children. Better yet-show me one that is a decent place for OTHER men too!