
It’s been over a year
That sounds so weird to hear
How can this be when the wound still feels fresh
From when you stabbed me in the chest?
You were the first girl I really cared about
The one I thought I couldn’t live without
When we were together nothing could go wrong
If I got sad it didn’t last long
With you in my arms
I was free from all harms
But then you went behind my back
Since then my heart’s been black
When I try to move on I find
That I can’t get you out of my mind
No matter how hard I try to hide
All the pain I feel inside
I will never be free
It will always be with me
Like a disease with no cure
I just have to endure
Despite my efforts I fear I’m slipping
My hands are sliding from the ledge I’m gripping
When I look down all I can see
Is an ocean of uncertainty
“Your scars will heal,” people always say
But I know they’ll never fade away