Death’s angels
Sent from Hell
Take your soul
After you just fell

Push you into the flames
Watch you burn slowly
Life and death colliding
Still watching it all glowing

Killing your only hopes
Breaking your only dreams
Cutting the very strings that are holding you up
With nothing that even gleams

All the light is gone
Every single bit of the reflection
The luminary fading
Turning the darkness into an infection

Creeping slowly
Taking over quickly
Killing swiftly
And leaving everything sickly

Stare with blank eyes
No dilation
Only the glare of red hot blood
Flicking and licking at the edge of your sanity

Just give it up
Let it fall
Let it kill you inside and out
Let them take it all

The happiness is useless
Just forget the very need of being normal anymore
Anymore normal than a lost piece of dust
For now on, you are the servant of gore

Bleak and still
Still and gracious
Clear your mind of everything that brings emotion
Make it spacious

Remember, you are an angel of death
Killing every hope of a lost father
Breaking every dream he ever had
But something you can never forget
Is that you are his daughter…