Speak Now

I’m sorry to let you go,
But this has gone on far too long enough.
I need to let you know,
before it’s far too late,
Just how much I love you so.

We were just like a red rose,
One day it would wilt,
And then forget about its pose.
Hand to hand,
That is just were it began.

We were always together,
the whole time we thought it’d last forever.
Now it’s time to let go,
You get down on a knee and a ring is bestow.
You beg me to stay,

You promise me there is another way.
I can’t find it in me to wait.
This relationship has turned into hate.
You say you won’t hit me,
You say “You belong with me, you’ll see”

I turn around and I break your heart,
This was us from the start.
Scared and alone,
We never felt at home;
Not even in each other’s arms.

It’s been almost 2 years,
I hear you’re happy now.
A beautiful wife and maybe a kid on the way
I think I will pop in and say “hey”
You open the door and it comes rushing back.

There was no longer a crack,
where my heart used to be.
I know you feel it too, it’s in your eyes you see.

I wish I was there when he said “speak now,
Or forever hold your peace.”
Things wouldn’t of ended the same,
I wouldn’t be standing here in the rain.
I would’ve said yes to you if I had a brain.

I begin to speak,
My words are nothing but weak.
“I miss everything about you,
Your hair, your eyes, that dazzling smile;
It manages to always make my heart run a mile.

“If I was there at your wedding,
We’d be here now forget,
All the trouble we had caused”
With those words he paused.
He took me into his arms.

Away from all the harm;
That could quite possible come this way.
“It’s been two years now!” he exclaimed.
“And the whole time I’ve been waiting for this day.
That would come back and ask me away

“Will you run away now,
Don’t even ask me how.
I love you so,
And we cannot let this love go”