
with the world always in motion,
there is no one to see
that my world has stopped.
and the only face i see
when i close my eyes is his.
the voice in my head tells me this is wrong
but my body steps off the path.
smooth tar is replaced with pine
and the normality of everyday life
is just a thing of the past
gone is the hope of survival
i know i am falling
or getting nearer to the edge.
being played in my head
is his words, over and over
a voice of reason
of hope.
there was a promise on his tongue
of something so desperate and dim
that im unable to create a mental image
but i saw the sillohuette of the future.
a vision of not just me or just him
but of the promise of being together
i blindly reached for this comfort
but somehow i am unable to believe
his words, the held no meaning
and it was only a surface area promise
there was no way to understand
if what he said was deeper
than skin deep
no way.
but i wasnt in search of a way
only for a purpose in this dark wood
this wood in which ive stumblen into
in which ive entered to meet someone
but where i was silently betrayed as he left
with no path in sight
im left with the impact of his empty promise
just another burdern to carry
but instead of leaving to find that path
i stay where i am
and lay down at the base of a tree in wait
waiting for the day that i know may never come
and for the one im never sure will arive.
but when he left me alone in the wood
he took with him my heart
and as i stay by this tree
i will forever lay in wait for my heart to return to me
with or without the fufillment of his empty promise