sad little world

Perched on this pillar
I can see for miles
Every moment of my past and present
I can see the bleachers and the quilt you were wrapped in
The sight of you walking away is fresh in my eyes
But as the tears began to swell I saw him
From the corner of my eye he began to take form
While I listened to every word he said
I had no inkling the impact he would have on my life
No idea the smiles and tears that were to come
And the only thing in sight was the present
The ability to comfort was swiftly fading
And the fire inside me was dwindling
But his words held a glimmer of hope
And made the future seem to shimmer
Soon after his advice became a necessity
As I came to see what he saw
But the water I was treading had become deeper
And I wasn’t sure where my life had taken me
The water began to rush all around me
The air supply was nearing its end
Christmas cheer seemed to have little effect on me
As I was wading through life
There was no one around
To hear my waterlogged cry
Until you left your number
And when I called you out from the cold
You gave me your hand and offered hope
Seeing no other option
I blindly grasped for your hand
Night after night the conversations became expected
Twenty questions became one thousand truths that were told
And the secrets were spilled
And with every shattered piece of our fragile lives
The other was there to pick up the pieces
However, while life was being lived like soon this side of the rainbow
A double life was being lived
In semi-happiness with the one who offered stability
I lived day by day
Always knowing what would happen next
Soon this became expected and I gave up hoping,
Hoping that something would change
Because deep inside I knew it would never change unless
I took initiative and took a stand
But on the other side of the rainbow
Emotions became stronger and words were left unspoken
Nobody knew what to do
And nothing was decided to be done
Everything was silent and subdued; a shadow on the water
Both sides of life were overwhelming
But something must have happened
To eliminate the havoc inside
Through and through I believed I made the wrong choice
I thought it would be simple
But giving up the stability in one so predictable
It proved to be fatal
It proved to bring more havoc than what was already there
Hatred began to bubble and then simmer
And the comforter began to offer less comfort
His thoughts were distracted
And his advice given less frequently
And while he spoke with the same emotion
His heart wasn’t in the same place
Shortly after he came and spoke the truth
He found his happiness in someone
Someone that he knew from the past
Someone that could make him fall in love all over again
And while he said this I wished him my best
Telling him I was happy for him
But I knew I was lying
And my tears confirmed it
And I marked my notes in the book
And made my way to him
My scissors in hand
Kneeling down to the iridescent net below us
I separated the bonds and watched it flow to the ground
Staring into his eyes I said
“And now you are free,
There is nothing holding you here anymore.
The safety net is broken and you are on your own”
Turning, I approached my pillar
And took my place upon it
And stared once again
At the madness of this sad little worl