Like a volcanic set of tears. (spoken word.)

The emotion explodes.


The heat travels through my chest.

It tumbles down towards my neck, and leaving a lump,

resting and blocking more of this anger and sadness.

I'm laying,

cuddles in my sleeping bag in this outdoor experience,

I've learned more about myself than ever before.

I have no plan in life.

I am a silent crier.

I am not as calm as I try to be.

I admit I'm a little hurt.


Yet you still watch me with those curios eyes,

your arms are still wrapped around me,

my lips crack from the earthquake inside me, and break into a smile.

A warmth comes to my face, and I feel a tsunami wash over me,

burst against my eyelids and then slowly pour out.

My cheeks are scorching, it's another wave of the same quake.

My brown eyes peek out from beneath my eye lashes, and I open my eyes to the world.

The joke is I'm full of shit.

But I can admit to myself, I am no longer angry.

This, or these, emotion(s) are a proof that I am alive.

A sign that I mean something.

I am sad though, because I've missed this feeling.

I am angry because I cannot blame it on someone else.

I am happy though, very happy, because I can still feel. I feel that you care,

at least if only a little.

Someone cares.


Alas, it's only temporary.

People never seem to want to stay.

Am I doing something wrong? I guess this is my chance to find out.

Two seconds have passed, and in the short amount of time,

I have broken through many emotions, now I am left with the aftershock.

I am alone, now pure sadness hits me.

I'm trying to smile, where did the happiness go?

Though it is hard, and I am confused,

my body is stressed,

I will smile. I can't let it fix itself. Cities, ground and beauty are all hidden in the rubble of this shake.

A world wide mess.

I am alone to clean it up, as I have always been.

Since when is it such a bad idea to be on your own though?

I wonder. When was this so bad? Was it because I met you, and you allowed this change in my world?



Very likely.

Guess I'll just feel it out, and in time, figure it out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote whilst living in the mountains for a few weeks.