So Happy

My love, you make me so happy
even when you're not around.
Though miles separate us,
you'll never see me frown.
Soon we'll be reunited,
and how amazing that moment will be.
When I get to feel your warmth,
and your arms around me.
I can't wait to see your face,
and your smile that makes my day.
And when you're laying next to me,
everything will feel okay.
I love you so much,
it's unbearable at times.
I love you so much,
it even makes me rhyme.
I'm going to keep this poem to myself,
and not let you see,
until one day when I want to show you
how happy you make me.
♠ ♠ ♠
When you look at all my poems you see that they're all depressing, haha, but I've reached a point in my life where I'm incredibly happy. I wanted to write about it. The poem is childish, and cute. I think it's fun, and I honestly love it.