Carp Islands

I feel the waves crash against my skin
My, how long has it been?
Can't remember the last time I set foot on this place

Nothing to second guess, nothing to fear
I'm starting to like it here
I needed this
Perfect escape

Only thing I hear is the whistling wind and birds in the trees
Maybe this is what it feels like being free
Free from everything

Turned off my phone
Don't bother dialing
Just my family,friends and I on a beautiful island
Nothing to type or to answer
Needed to escape for a while
And find a new temporary shelter
Oceans roar and the birds sing
Carp islands, how long has it been?

Left all my worries back at home
Needed some time for myself
Untangle myself from all the drama
And clearing out my head

On an island with the ones who matter, the ones who really care
No boys, snobby girls, and school? Ha, I don't ever wanna leave here

Feel the sand between my toes
As the hours go by, feelings of peace and familiarity grows
Reminder that there's still some good in the world

Well, here's the boat
Carp Islands, guess it's time for me to go
Had a beautiful week here
Don't forget me
Hopefully I'll be back soon
But for now, I gotta head to Tokyo.
Stay beautiful