Snowy Princess

Her lips, red over white,
a drop of blood staining snow.
Her heart, darkness blocking light,
day turning to night, sunlight low.
This snowy princess, so tense and gloom,
is locking herself inside this place.
She doesn't care, she embraces her doom,
her indiference made her fall from grace.
This icy queen, once so lovely,
is broken down, wounded deeply.
This poison blade, lacking a remedy,
is killing her insides, silently.
They stole her only joys,
and expected her not to sigh.
Like taking a child's favorate toys,
they yelled at her not to cry.
This shining star,
is blinking out.
You won't have to look far,
to see her sadness playing about.
She's losing most of her soul,
this beauty pageant winner.
She's dropped her only goal,
she's now a morbid sinner.
This lovely, beautiful face,
slits and cries herself to sleep.
She's given up on life's race,
by inviting her demons to creep.
She looks away from wondering eyes,
they heard too much of her inner depression.
She longs for the day she'll say her goodbyes,
for now she relies on good impression.
This wonderous lady refuses to see,
we care and she's more than just dirt.
She doesn't realize her overall beauty,
because she's always hiding behind the hurt.
This lovely duchess,
is soon to be no more.
She's bending under the roughness,
and the pain of her open sore.
She's simply perfect, moon's light over dark,
forever humble in her dress of lace.
This snowy princess, harboring a broken heart,
will breathe her last, leaving behind her a bloody trace.