Live Life-Triolet

Live each day with an open heart and mind
Smell the roses, take a chance, live life
Leave all the sadness and pain behind
Live each day with an open heart and mind.
Happiness, smiles and laughter you will find
Once you don’t regret and surpass strife.
Live each day with an open heart and mind
Smell the roses, take a chance, live life
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is a Triolet which is a fixed form of poetry. This poem is a reminder as to how sacred life is and how we should live each day in happiness without regret, and notice the simple thengs the world has to offer. Why be sad when you can be happy? Trade in that sadness for laughter and make the most out of the life you were given <3. If you read pleasepleaseplease comment, I'd appreciate it alot and would love to hear your feedback! :)