Once Upon A Dream

I see her
Standing there amongst
The crowd. Standing in the throngs
Of the people who scurry to and fro in their
Torn, ragged brown garments. They search from stand
to stand in the market, hunting for the freshest fruit or finest cut of
meat. But she. She doesn’t.She just stands regally amidst the crowd
taking it all in with her hands clasped, a pleasing smile, and occasional nod of
the head, softly jerking her long golden braid. Today she has a glossy silver ribbon inter
twined with it .I can only look at her from afar and nothing mo re.I am limited in what I do. I’m in
love with the fair maiden, the pr incess.What can I say what can I do. I cannot change the way my heart
feels, nor the way it beats. I look up at her while my clothes are cov ered in dirt from mother earth, my floppy
brown hair in my eyes as I hitch the mule to the cart while I can’t keep my face from smiling. It’s just so hard to do when she’s around. She gives my heart wings making it soar but will she ever want me? Nothing but a
mere farmer boy? I don’t have money or jewels. Nothing to give her except love and respect. Days later I approach the tall castle, the golden trumpets sung an electrifying melody as the checkered flag s snapped in the wind.
The giant gray castle loomed above the kingdom seeing all. Bright jugglers and citizens in the festive outfits mulled through. Up in the far t urret window a figure appeared with a long face and thin limbs. The sparkling
crown marked nobility but the smile on her face portrayed kindness. Her cheeks rosy contrasted with her fair skin and flowing golden hair sprayed on her shoulders. Her pink cashmere gown weaved with golden sequin touched the
floor, swishing at her feet. Her eyes two deep pools of water one could refresh you in held a steady gaze that I could not escape. That I didn’t want to escape. My eyes glaze over; my mind wanders far from me. She runs out the
back door and through the grass, her fair curls flowing like a cape behind her, kicking off her tiny slippers on the way, leaving them far behind with all her troubles. The bottom of her pale lemon gown drags in the dirt,
her darkened eyes glance back with regret, but she pushes forward. She runs into my arms, her head resting upon my strong shoulder absorbing her pain, her hand placed carefully upon my broad chest. I burry my face into her
sweet smelling waves and inhale deeply, slowly. My hands gently caress her back soothingly as I hold her firmly so she won’t get swept away in the breeze. We are surrounds by sweet smelling blossoms. Just me and her. Her and me. She is mine and I am hers. She is all I need. I am all she needs. Forever and always If only. If only…..
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem was originally a concrete poem formatted with the text forming the shape of a crown, but I didn't have the patience to do it here XD. I guess it could also be classified as a narrative since it tells the story of a merchant boy who is in love with the kingdoms princess, and fantasizes about her, since he feels they will never have a relationship since they come from two different worlds. I liked writing this poem because I wound up taking bits and pieces of it from freewrites I had done, and liked taking little pieces of language I had and intertwining and building on them. If you read pleasepleaseplease comment, I'd appreciate it alot and would lovee to hear your feedback! :D