For The Soldiers

Were all behind bars,
our bodies strewn with scars.
Our hearts yearning for the dead,
a recited prayer has yet to be said.
The silence of night is torn by this grenade,
the bomb's whistle, a lonely serenade.
You don't know what we would trade,
for these killing machines to disappear, to fade.
With heavy guns within our hands,
we try to make another stand.
For our country we are fighting,
mostly in the dark of the moon's lighting.
We fight side by side with friends,
knowing this could be the end.
At day we return to camp and pray,
we pray we may be granted another day.
Back home our families are grieving,
just as they did when they saw us leaving.
We hope to see them again someday,
I do miss watching my daughter play.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to my heroes. The ones who do not parade around with underwear over tights and flowing capes behing them, but combat boots and dog tags. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. <3