Dying Fire (Sunset beauty)

The beautiful sunshine echoes memories across the empty land,
Casting lingering shadows that nobody can see.
A slash of lightening spirals silently through the sky,
Beaconing the ever-encroaching sunset closer.
The horizon fades to a gentle orange hue,
Casting glimmering images of hope onto the river,
The water carries the light into the darkness,
Never to be seen again.
A crash of thunder breaks the stillness,
It sends a ripple of excitement through the sand,
Pausing at nothing til it reaches the dying fire.
The wind sends flickering sparks up from the embers,
They fade in quiet crackles into the night.
The golden glow lights the ashes scattered to the side,
Illuminating hidden pictures of black and white.
The fire throws hazy purple smoke deep into the darkness,
It pulls the eye upwards, to the stars which scintillate peacefully,
Watching patterns appear in the sky as more diamonds are revealed.