My Last Words To You

Don’t tell me your not worthy
Or there’s someone better for me
That this is all your fault
And we weren’t meant to be

I thought that you were better
At least I thought it so
I wanted to make it through the summer
Before you decided to go

Everyone had told me
But I didn’t want to hear
You weren’t the guy I thought you were
That just increased my fear

That maybe this was just a dream
Or a prank from truth or dare
Yes it’s true I had some doubts
Whether you really cared

Now you’re gone I’m so depressed
Do you care for me?
Is it one on those situations where
If you love someone set them free

But I don’t want to be set free
I don’t want to be alone
I miss the way you were always there
The person I called my own

I guess that I should let you go
It’s been a while now
I’ll spend all my time forgetting you
But how do I do that, how?

Since this is the last thing I’ll say to you
There’s something you need to know
I loved you but you ruined that
Now get out, I’m done, just go.