The Adventure

I am inside a pyramid its dark and creepy, there are spiders crawling and scorpions I can see. I come to a hallway I stop and I think, look side to side and with a blink snowballs come flying from the sides of the walls do I duck or do I doge or maybe even fall, with a huff and a puff I made it out alive so carry on hoping I will finish in time. I can see the Puffle, I am almost there but the bridge is broken what should I do I sit and I think and I look around to. Over there I can see another bridge clearly.
I walk across slowly hoping it wont break, then there’s a rumble and a tumble and the bridge gives way I slip and I slide, but I manage to get away I sigh in relief but my quest is still not complete. I look to my left and can I believe it there it is the puffle just staring at me. I run up I grab it, I cannot believe. Then the pharaoh’s door opens, I run down the stairs, across the bridge and into a cart I see the light right at the end and suddenly I am out, I shout and cheer and I run all about. I realise the mission was fun after all.