
Define us, define us now
Liken us to a building that has stood ages
Us now, a spectacular sight to all
A fantasy for young lovers, a dream for all people

But were we always like this?
Was Rome built in a day?
Are stars really small?
Remember our love when it was a dream
A dream from a long time ago
A passive voice, out sung and humiliated by life

Our young love , like a summer song in the hearts of the bird in the winter
And hope guiding us by heaven's light
Your halo, my faith and destiny on a journey
And when we were ready to build our love
And we couldn't afford any building supplies
All we had was sand, a dream and you as a starting block

And in winter and spring we searched
Through summer, past fall we found it
We found hope, in a new name, peace
Peace as a reassurance of love , peace as a cornerstone
Calm serenity dwelling in inner tranquility
And we built levels of love, built and built until...

Till now you lay , my dear, cold and lifeless like a stone
The cornerstone of our love is now sand
♠ ♠ ♠
For every lover, the definition of love is different.