
I see the darkness arise around me,
Grasping life from the fibers,
Bringing an end to my existence,
The path grew to an eternal black.

I think of my memories,
Of my mistakes, my misfortune, and my misunderstandings,
How many times....... I thought of the moments when I knew,
When I knew of the signs.

Now this wound brings me to a close,
Its steel deep into my skin,
Dripping crimson down my torso
This is it...........This is the end.


What is this what is this voice?!
It's so warm and comforting,
It screams again and louder,
I feel the earth shake and rain drop.

Then I see figures in the shadows,
Faces are not shown, but voices are heard,
Cries of Despair, Cries of Hope,
Then one comes to my side.

The figure: I love you honey, we all love you please come home. We miss you.

The Figure grasps my hand,
I am dumbfounded,
I know now its my family,
The true reason of my mortality.

My eyes open,
Men in uniform screaming as they push down on my chest,
Blood escaping from my stomach,
Tears falling from their eyes.

I awoke in a daze,
Sorrounded by wires, and an IV bag,
The phone rings and I reach for it,
I say, "hello who is it?"

The voice says in a tone of despair. "I love you honey! We all do! You can come home!
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all our soldiers who fought for this country, Military or otherwise