Left To Right

I run my finger left to right
reading, always reading. Ingrained
in my blood.
Words I cannot escape swirl round
The fullness of my veins beneath
my fingertips map out each tunnel
With the right incision, the right swipe
I could angrily wipe all traces of me away

Most days I think: how could I change the world?
Visions of myself inspiring millions.
But with what talent? What charm?
Those fancies fade to plans of my future.
Gone before I turn seventeen. No, eighteen.
Eighteen will be better.

More emptiness.
Numb heart and trickling veins for many more years.
Like a mouse I cower from death and pain,
only to subject myself to more torture.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this last night when I was feeling horrible. It's my first proper attempt at poem writing and I hope I haven't done too badly. I don't know anything about poems so I don't know how to judge my efforts. Hopefully Mibba will do it (kindly) for me?