Only Three Remain

So where’s your knight in shining armor now?
Off gallivanting with other women,
While he doesn’t even remember you

The things we witnessed
The things we promised
Were they so easily forgotten?

What purpose can we serve,
In a world such as this?
A world where bonds are so easily broken

People die and hurt and break
They call for help a thousand times over
But their cries go unnoticed

You are selfish
You disgust me
And you have the gall to call us the demons?

A world, where you sit on your asses and your people die in vain
They plead for help, and still you do nothing?
You laugh at their faces in scorn

A world, where others are judged for being different
And people aren’t free to love whomever they choose
Is this what you call freedom?

A world, where we fight wars for land
And invade other countries because we view them as savage
You don’t know what it’s like to fight for the things and people you care about.

I cared for you
I’d have died for you
And yet, you break me like a twig caught in a hurricane

Was I really so miniscule to you?
You say people and things change
But we weren’t supposed to

In another world, on a different plane,
Perhaps we could have remained the same
But not here, no, this world was meant to scar us

What purpose was there in sending us here?
We’re your saviors and yet you test us in the harshest of manners
You break us in ways that tear us apart, when we should be brought together

And still, we fight
We bite and gnaw and scratch and claw and bleed to keep what we have left
Only three remain

How do you expect us to win this time?
A broken, disheveled circle
We can barely find ourselves

My past is embedded inside of me
And I’ll fight hard to remember
In a world as nightmarish as this one

I refuse to be Fate’s puppet
I’ll break the chains that cannot hold me
The future is ours to make

I may have been born and raised in a hell you will never know
But it’s better than this
This world of disgust and misery

Humans are born to die.
That’s the long and the short of it.
And really, what’s the point of it all?

We aren’t free.
No, I’ve still got a collar around my neck.
The chains of earthly impossibilities still hold me.

Where is the magick in this place?
Hidden to the human eye,
Visible to only those with the Sight?

I’m losing my grip.
It’s as if I’m hanging on to the side of a cliff by my fingertips,
And I’m about to let go.

The closer I get to the truth, the faster I begin to fall
What will happen when I hit the ground?
Will I have finally gained my freedom? Or will I just crash and burn?

My hawkling, my wind
Will you still be standing behind me when this world begins to crumble?
I cannot fight this war on my own