
When I look around,
All I see,
Are joyous faces staring back at me.
People holding hands, holding each other,
And it makes me want to break down.

But then, I'm filled with hope.
That somewhere, out there,
There is someone who'll help me cope.
Someone who will care.

He'll hold me tight,
And he'll never want to let go.
He'll tell me I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever known,
And then everything will be all right.

Because I know that if you were with me,
I'd make it through the day,
With the thought of your warm embrace,
And the comforting words you say.

But I'm not a fool.
I know you don't exist.
But that's only because I haven't found you yet.
I know one day I will.
But Until then I still have hope,
Which comforts me through these lonely days,
And until that day comes, I shall mope.

(I like to mope XD)
♠ ♠ ♠
Crappy, but whatever. I'm bored.
And I just realised I suck at poetry.=(