
Fire that burns white hot like the sun
Fueled by stinging words
Quick like the bullet shot out of your gun
This hatred within me stirs

You speak of hunger you've never felt
Ill towards careers you've never led
Those weren't the cards that you were dealt
No war, and you've always been fed

You rant about things that never apply
Like coupons, and money, and how much you save
Nothing matters, when you don't eat what you buy
To the demons of money, you now will slave

A trickster, a liar, you always inquire
When you do not belong
All you do is refuel my fire
You never admit that you're wrong

The looks you throw so full of spite
Are enough to break my bone
And though I know that it's not right
I don't run back to home

Fire that burns white hot like the sun
Fueled by stinging words
I know I'm not the only one
But this pain continues to burn
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a good poem for when you see the real side of some one you used to look up to.