Ultimate Question

All that you are suppose to do
Are things that anybody can do.
Why are you the only one
Who is doing these things?
And why do you feel like you
Are suppose to be doing something else?
Your work is never done
And never will be.
You can't stop stressing about it.
You want to drop it all
but then you will have nothing to do.
You have to do something you are suppose to do.
What is it?
I don't know. You don't know.
Are you suppose to be stuck
Thinking about what you are good for?
Are you suppose to be doing what you always do?
Are you suppose to be going off
And exploring places that are beyond the clouds
Or everything underneath them?
Are you suppose to be telling people
To stop frowning for too long?
Are you suppose to be creating things
That no one has thought of yet?
Are you suppose to be stopping bad people
From harming the more-or-less innocent people?
Are you suppose to be doing
Anything at all?