
Feeble forms flock for a chance at endless redemption
Only to have their hearts emptied by painful desertion
Soon their blood empties upon the ground of their abyss
Because they no longer can acquire the soft lips of a lover’s kiss

Creatures of all shapes and forms, bleeding across my sight
Hoping that perhaps this nightmare can have its night
Throwing twisted indiscretions of feeble-minded fools into my dreams
To twist and turn throughout the night as I bleed across my seams

Welcome to my new home, I call it an endless nightmare
Cloaked in twilight’s nightingale, it flies along without a care
Temporarily tampering with the patterns of the sleeper
And interweaving thoughts into hearts without a keeper

Soon the sunshine swallows the nightmare’s darkness for the day
Sending me into the abyss created by the light of the endless fray
Hatred breeds within me like beams of light coming from the sun
As I drift toward the light of nothing –my thoughts once more begin to run

Toward the perception of pain that shall occur when these eyes sow shut
Perhaps soon her voice shall come once more and dig them out into a rut
For then I would not have to face the endless pain of seeing her elegance
But yet, my thoughts would still burn so deeply because of my remembrance

As my world crashes around me once more like the waves by the shore
The thorns from the roses within my heart embed themselves within me once more
And bleed, how I shall bleed to the very memory of being around her
As the rays of my life crash down into my broken heart encoded with amber

What is the purpose of living when the light has silently soared so far away?
Leaving me to wait for her like a statue throughout every single night and day
Blind-folded by the broken hands of this clock that ticks as my life deteriorates
This fire embedded within me burns much hotter than my heart can tolerate

Pull this knife from my back, as the past has sown enough into me
Just a single attempt is enough, for then the crimson shall be set free
Allowing me to awake once more from this endless nightmare I call life
This hell is so cold; yet, my heart is much colder from this forsaken strife

Time has run through me as a tree does when its life comes to an end
For it has thrown its desires away and lost all it once had to defend
Now I, the forgotten one, lie upon this field within my heart
Waiting forever for the day to come when my soul and body finally part

As the cold whisper of my nightmare descends upon me once more
The cold embrace of life my heart no longer has the desire to pour
For soon I have become an emptied out shell, totally devoid of desire
The idol I once held in thoughts with the sun has been taken away this fire

And took the half of my fragile glass to the realm of which I can never reach
This plague of life have become weaker than this apology that I shall beseech
Until the end of my days, where I run from the desire of my breath
This pain shall haunt me until the day when I finally meet my new love--death.