Fire In The City.

We’ll light a match,
And put it to the autumn leaves.
We’ll set this city on fire,
Just to watch it burn.

Memories like ghosts
Are still wandering the streets,
We’ll pack our things
And leave everything else behind.

This will be our new beginning.

We knew this place like the back of our hands
And watching the flames consume it,
Dance in it,
Is comforting.

Comforting like our first kiss,
Our late night talks
And the nights spent under the stars.

Comforting like closing the closet doors
And never look back.

Your heart beat is steady,
As you tell me
“This will be our new beginning”

We’ve been dying to leave this place.

And as we ran towards the lake,
We knew that this was our fate
And everything will be okay.

This is our new beginning.