Ode to the Howl

Your haunting melody gives excited chills
as waves that wash over my skin as I
listen to the deep bellows and high screams
as you tell your lonely story, though no other
creature will answer as you sing for them.
Your sleek head is raised to your shining mentor,
who illuminates her silver light upon your
sleek body. Your chest expands in a large inhale and
once more you burst with your song, all in vain!
The siren song that I am so entranced by lures me
closer to your sultry soul and slowly I approach
for I have heard your song and I have answered your call.
Not everything you express is in vain for as your golden orbs
catch mine, all that I can hear are your echoes and
all that I feel is your longing, captivated I am.
We stand there connected until you turn to the sheltering shadows
and with grace only you could possess, you plod and I follow.