Ramblings of One Fallen

Ramblings of One Fallen:

Faded wasted images
Are all I'm previewed too
A mockery of my former glory
Pastels of life waning to deathly hues

Inhibited by my limitations
Haunted by my fears
The last ship of hope is met with storms
Upon an ocean of my tears

I'm devoted to live in shadow
Intoxicated by delierious adoration
Drawn to memories of the past
Where I bowed down and kneeled in adulation

The line between life and death
Is ebbing with each passing day
I see it on common streets
Where the souless shells parade

So many hollow eyes
See nothing.
And see everything.

So many mournful cries
Are heard.
And go un answered.

This creation is it's own affliction
The most potent of any poison
Can be found deep with in
It's just a matter of looking beyond the skin

Of course, who am I to judge you
I forsake the one who rules you
Like many others did before me
I gave up on all that's considered Holy

Part of me still thrists for retribution
In the guise of humiliation
Tangible pain to remind me
That I'm not merely dreaming

It's of no consequence any longer
For the loss I feel grows stronger
Soon all life will ebb away
This place encased in colors gray

Let it be known that I have fell
So long ago
Now I linger in this Hell
In this world you call your home