Do I want to?

Do I want to look back?
Do I want to even go back?
Do I want to find them?
Do I want to find HIM?
Will he remember me?
Will he be the same?
Could they all hate me for leaving?
Or do they miss me?
Just as they may claim?
How can they remember?
How can he?
Can he remember the hate he must have felt?
Can he know the hate I felt for him?
Do I want to find him?
And talk to him once and for all?
At last to find why he hated,
Why he teased.
Will he remember?
Or will he be like the rest?
And forget
forget me for good?
♠ ♠ ♠
It's about this guy from back in third grade(both the worst and best year of when I lived in California) Over the years, despite how cruel he was to me, looking back,I've come to kind of-sort of- like him... Plus it was my own fault he was a jerk...heh...Heh...