A Heart Darker Than Night

A Heart Darker Then Night
It's owner belongs to me
I strive to save this heart
But what good does it do
A heart darker then night
Can only get darker
Unless it finds the one cure to evilness
The one cure to sadness
The one thing that goes along with happiness
True love
Love as True as the truth
As True as the earth beanthe our feet
Can I give such love
If not, can I find the one who can
For such a heart...
A heart yearning for love and acceptance...
A heart full of need, and hate
A heart hoping to be lightened of the lead it wears...
A heart darker then night
Who's owner belongs to me
♠ ♠ ♠
About the love between two of my characters. Hanna loves a young man named Mick, who was tramatized and has become mute and gloomy. Maybe I'll post their story on here later.