Red Rose (V4)

It is her they tell me to hate
My sister who betrayed us
But why would she?
So kind
So loyal
So sad
They have given us proof
My sister is the Red Rose
But I see what they can not
My sister is crying
Openly and hidden
My sister is alone
I think she still loves us
I think it's slowly killing her
My sister the Red Rose
The Dagger is after her
The Red Moon is on his way
Ocean Blue has suddenly vanished
Blue Mist is waiting
And soon...
A storm will come.
My beloved sister
The Red Rose
Will be brought down
Or maybe, she will be saved...
If only the winds would lift her up to the heavens...
And save her
If only the Spring
If only the Winter
If only the Wind
If only those three would come back
And join together...
If only wishes came true
If only my sister could live.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAHA! I was just reinspired to start writing their story again!! Look forward to it peeps and non-peeps! (It is pretty obvious who's point of view this is in...)