After The Loss

After the loss
No greiving was done
Shocked and confused
I wandered in and out
Sadness and denial
Are still within me
My heart is bleeding
From a sudden death
Did I expect it?
Both yes and no.
Her pain was great
But her heart still beat on
Suddenly it stopped
On that fatful day
Everyone was shocked
We did not greive...
Untill today.
After the loss
Confusion and hate
Spread through the family
Like a wild fir in June
Nothing but pain
Nothing but anger
Fear in our hearts
And doubt(sp?) in out minds
Fightingin denial
Fighting in anguish
Unable to controll
Feelings so uncertain
After the loss
Thoughts wandered like ghosts
The funeral came
And reality hit
As we spoke of memories long past
As we heard songs sang.
As we heard poems of love
As we cried
We realised she was gone
Yet still in denial
It feels like nothing has changed
I hope for releife
A chance to let out
The feelings in my heart
That I am not sure of
After the loss,
I sit here and type
Unwilling to share
Unwilling to forget
To see her once more
For that I must wait
For now I must support
My family's great grief.
I know I'm not alone
AndI feel I must say
God bless her soul forever more
And keep her in our hearts.
The same goes to you
After the loss
We all feel strange
The feelings in out hearts
We are unsure of the change
So suddenly
Or too expectedly
Yet we know as we cry
The it's going to be fine
As long as we can continue
With strength for the dead.
For they are still here
Watching with love
Guiding us to happiness
Slowly and softly
After the loss
We will always remember
The gift that they gave
The life in their eyes
Our heart will tremble
And we try to keep strong
A helping hand may be pushed away
As we try not to cry
But inside we call out
In pain and in hope
Never let that die.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...yeah...I wrote this a year or so ago after attending my grandma's funeral...Seeing it again after so long shook me up a little. Ha,ha. It's a good thing, though, right?