I won't Follow

My sisters are so great!
So Smart!
So talented!
Everything parents want.
They are in band
They are in choir
They have all A's
They make my parents proud
And now it's my turn
To fail as I always do
To ty and strive
Not matter how hard
I can not compare
I know this as the truth
So know I refuse!
I don't want to follow in my sisters' footsteps!
I'm no good at band
Nor as good a singer
I'm not a capable
Nor a willing as they are
I have trouble with grades
I'm never acting
I'm the failure
They are the best
Yet strangely
I feel no jealousy towards them
My anger is directed to my parents
The ones who force me
The one who make me mad
I don't want to become
What my sister are
My teachers
My parents
The all expect
Since I'm a sister I can do best
Since I'm the sister
I WILL do best
Yet I con not
And I will not
I've tried so hard already
I'm not about to give up
But the things they did
And the things I like
Are different completely
And so now I write in displeasure
All my issues to you
♠ ♠ ♠
UGH! What the heck is this?! Why did I write this?! Whatever, a promise is a promise. Old