Just A Dream

I opened up my heart, only to let you crush it.

Sometimes I think life could have been easier if I hadn't met you.. but then I think that I would never have know how to love, how to put myself up for failure, how to deal with a heart break.

I don't mind you moving on, its just proof that you were real and that I wasn't dreaming because that's what it felt like... a dream.

In my dream you were perfect: text me in the morning, go out of your way to talk to me in front of your friends, hold my hand at a party you knew I felt akward at.

But then suddenly things began to change. The clock stroke twelve and the prince was turned back into a frog, the princess was stranded with her broken dreams and lost slipper.

"Your a tease", "I never liked you", "It was a dare, and guess who won?"

You made me realize that I can be okay without you in my life. I will wake up every morning knowing that I am still me. I never fully gave into your games like most other girls, I knew better than that.

So thank you for making me realize that I WILL be okay and that dreams will not last.