Self-righteousness Will Only Get You So Far

You may have won this battle, honey, but you're gonna lose the war.
Just because I stopped fighting now doesn't mean I won't come back for more.
No matter how hard you try and try, you won't break me down.
Because I'm better than you,
I'm stronger than you;
Better believe I'll come back around
To show you your place in line, and in time, I swear that I'll make you see
That this war you brought on our house and our home is bigger than you and me.

You self-righteous fool, look what you're doing to us.
How can you say you're the one we should trust?
When you're lying, and trying to make us see past it all,
You're just kidding yourself, you know it, and I'm appalled.

How can I make you see that when we disagree
It's only on everything that should be?
You think you can set all my rules? Well, fuck you!
You're some kind of king that should be worshiped and followed with no disrespect?
Well respect is like money, you gotta earn it to get.

How people choose to live their lives is their choice,
Not yours, and not mine.
So don't shove you're crap down my throat just 'cause you think it's from the "Divine".
If He loves us and wants us to be kind to one another,
Then it shouldn't matter the ways in which we love each other.
Whether a man loves a man, or a woman, or both,
He's still loving-- and that's growth.

Which is more than I can say for you're ignorant ass,
Christ, where the hell is your class?
Where's that fatherly figure I'm supposed to have?
He's getting wasted on pills again, busy getting high and getting low again.
Busy gettin' thrills off the pain and the hate he inflicts on his children.
He isn't there when we need him most,
He's left us with you, you miserable ghost.
You're the shadow of the one I once trusted and admired,
But that's all you'll ever be, a shadow unloved and undesired.

So stand up tall, yeah, real nice and tall,
Let them see you for what you really are.
Maybe someday you too will see and believe, when I finish fighting and take my turn to leave
Maybe you'll see that my words are more, so much more than just ink on some paper
But until that day comes, I'll be praying to God you meet your maker.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written after yet another argument with my father.