Belated Birthday Dinner

Already in that tight, buzzing place,
Cos last night I was off my face,
Now sat at a table with family,
Unaware of the alcohol inside of me,
Only two ciders down and don't need another,
As I wobble and try out-cool the brother,
My plate now empty-
Braised Pork Belly,
Which was awesome, complimented by mustard,
Now I'll have Banoffe cheesecake - no custard,
As we wait we talk, roll out bad jokes,
I check my phone for Facebook comments and pokes,
A pause as now the dessert is here!
We sit up like meerkats as the waitress nears,
The textures soft,
Pieces of banana on top,
It's goddamn good-
This pudding food,
Now as we wait for that to go down,
We talk about famous people around town,
Now dad asks for the bill,
Cos we've had our fill,
So I'll stop writing this memo - putting away my phone,
We'll gather our things and make the journey home.