
Loose feet and tight-headed,
It'll take over if I let it,
But for now I'm controlling,
And my eyes are rolling,
Whole way up to the realm above,
Pushed on further by sugary love
For the sounds that pound my open mind,
Which bops and bangs; both combined.

Illness was there inside before but
That's the past, an edited cut,
Now the tight grip on the back of my head,
Is held together by 6-inch thread,
A faithful bass in this afterglow,
Playlist of medicine lined in row,
Clear as the water in the sea,
My own prescription Vitamin E.

These fixtures planted in my ears,
Gushing hot sound that burns and sears,
Because I touched the goading volume,
That pushes in till there's no room,
My domed skull vibrating, shaking,
Muscles pulled tight and aching,
Stretching the wires of my body's boundaries,
Inflating the fires of their dark foundries.

Written within my broken skin,
Vibrations dig deeper and rushes begin,
Curling over the length of my limbs,
Creating paths on their own whim,
Shivers cold on everything,
From reality and dream marrying,
Unsure now where source of sounds in;
As now the music comes from within.

Halfway between each protrusion,
Unable to stop the welcome intrusion,
It's just this scene here which exists,
Just me, the sound and burning wrists,
Those scars of a time which didn't happen,
Which'll never force this scene to blacken,
I'm feeling too good to care right now,
But don't remember when I felt this or how.

A huge sphere of red and dark,
Plays host to water blue and sharp,
Floating balls on top and middle,
Some too big and others little,
Large ones are blue and bop heavier,
Crashing hard into the barrier,
Indents expand and become rivers,
As prickles continue to join the shivers.

Music is felt now, not just heard,
Flows through my arm, appears in word,
Pumping black through every vein,
Snaking like tentacles, gripping my brain,
Feeling each cell beneath warm fingers,
Tapping its beat as it lingers,
Humming the tune while it squeezes,
I let it do what it pleases.