Urban Life

High above she loomed
Towering above all the others
From the sleek sky scraper,
Which she called home.
Expensive, modern black couches
Sunk into the luxurious white carpet
That submerged beneath her high heeled feet
When she walked upon it.
She sat daintily down
Smoothing her satin black dress.
She spoke eloquently having
Graduated from an exclusive private institution.
A crystal chandelier sparkled above her.
Original prints hung on her walls.
But she was alone with no one to share it with.
She had the world at her finger tips,
Facing an open door wherever she pleased.
She hears the gentle cocktail music that
Flowed out of her elaborate sound system,
Breathing in the scent of her candles.
Her butler stands in the corner awaiting her needs,
Her only acquaintance.
Time moves slow for she has
Each day to do as she pleases.
She looks down, out at the
Grimy city sidewalks with
Overflowing trashcans lining the way,
And wonders what it would be like
To give up her boring routine,
And live on the edge
Of the world,
Longing for change.

Down below he crouched
Lower than all the others,
To the street slick with filth,
Which he called home.
His real home had one tattered couch
That scratched the marked up floor
That was beginning to rot
As he walked upon it.
He took off running in the
Same clothes he had on for days.
He spoke in a dialect only the uneducated can speak properly,
Having dropped out his public school.
The sun’s rays were blocked by tall buildings.
Spray painted graffiti decorated the walls.
He was alone, having pushed everyone away.
The world was in the palm of his hand
But was limited to where he could go.
He heard angry people and the loud horns
Of beat up, out of style models, puffing along the street,
Smelling their intoxicating perfume.
His shadow follows him around every corner,
His only companion.
Time moves rapidly,
Not knowing if he’ll be alive tomorrow.
He looks up at the
Classy apartment buildings with
Trees lining the entrance,
And wonders what it would be like
To give up his reckless style,
And live in the lap
Of the world,
Longing for change.