Yerning for "The One"

Sitting at home, alone,
On a dull Monday night.
Wondering when, if anything,
Will I find someone to call my own.

Never in a relationship in my life, nor anyone, besides family, who loves me,
Struck down as hopeless and with having low self-esteem.
Wondering if maybe, just maybe someday,
Will I be able to break this curse.

Seeing everyone around me, even my little sister,
With someone they deeply love.
Making me feel jealous inside,
Feeling like I'll never be happy.

Maybe I'll be single the rest of my life,
Maybe like those ladies who own 20+ cats.
Maybe I might end up being lucky,
And no longer feeling the pain of living and dying alone.

Why is this curse upon me,
When will it finally end in happiness?
Am I destined to be single forever,
Or will I finally find "The One"?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I've been feeling down lately. Look at me, I'm 18 years old, out of school, single, never in a romantic relationship, maybe destined to be alone for the rest of my life.