Mommy? Daddy? Why are you doing this?

"Shut the fuck up! You stupid bitch! You lied to me!" I hear beyond the door.


"How could you do this to me?!"

I hear her sob, "I'm sorry!"

"No! I'm sick of this!"

Pop! I bet Daddy just punched the wall, again...

She sobs louder, and harder, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Are you?! Are you really?!"

"I want out!"

"Fine!If you want out, you can have it!"

I hear his angry footsteps pound down the stairway and I run for my room. Just five years old, but I know what just happened.
Mommy was caught with her man friend again. Why was Daddy so angry though? They were just friends.

I lay under my flowery quilt, cuddling Clifford, my favorite stuffed animal. Daddy gave it to me when I turned four. But, I'm five now, and he said that I have to take care of my little sister.
I peaked my head out from under my blanket and saw my baby sister. She was crying. When Daddy got mad, she got scared. I go over and hold her.

"It's okay. Daddy will be happy again soon," I say.
She sobs.

I hear the door slam and run to Mommy.

She looks up while drying her crying. She's cleaning up broken glass on the floor. I look up to the wall and the brown paint was gone and in its place was a white powdery hole.

She sniffles, "Hi honey. It's okay. Why don't you go get ready for school, okay? I'll be ready to take you in a few minutes."

"Okay Mommy."

I walk down the stairs as a tear silently leaves my eye.
I wipe it away and swallow my tears. I have to strong. For sissy. And for Mommy. I can't let them see me sad, or it will make them sad.
I'll be okay.
I can swallow my tears... Forever.