See You Soon

If only I had known.
If only I dug deeper.
If only I cared a little more.

Oh dear sweetling, I do apologize.
You were so beautiful.
So... Unique.

You had so much potential.

But, something was bothering you.
Like there always is.
I shrugged it off, as nothing but a false inkling.

It's not like I didn't care.
I was just so selfish!
I hate myself everyday for not doing what I should have.

I should have listened.
I should have taken that blade from you!
How could you do this?!

... Gosh...

Not only do I lie awake at night with silent tears.
I stomp through my days with anger.
How could you just leave me?!


Oh, I'm so sorry.


If only I had known.
If only I dug deeper.
If only I cared a little more.

You would be here with me today.
Instead of six feet under, watching me.
Well, I hope it was worth it.

See you soon.